How Many Bags Of Mulch On A Pallet

How Many Bags of Mulch on a Pallet?

After deciding to install mulch, you could be confused about how many bags of mulch on a pallet. Installing the right amount of mulch is critical to providing sufficient soil protection.

Retailers determine how many bags of mulch on a pallet. The type of material used for the mulch also affects the number of bags. Various factors control the cost of a pallet. The type of mulch you need determines the cost per pallet. A bag of mulch spread with a  2 inches depth covers 8 square feet.

Read on to find out how many bags of mulch are on a pallet. You also learn to estimate the average amount of bags you need through a few simple calculations.

How Many Yards of Mulch are in a Pallet?

Many projects only require a few bags of mulch. Larger projects may, however, require a bigger volume of mulch. It’s advisable to purchase mulch in large quantities in the latter cases. The more you buy, the cheaper you pay for it per yard. 

Retailers may sell mulch in bulk or bagged mulch. Bagged mulch can be more expensive than bulk mulch. However, bagged mulch is easier to handle. Bulk mulch can create a mess, especially if you don’t have a space to keep the pile.

You must first measure the area you intend to install the mulch in cubic yards.

 The formula to calculate cubic yard is as follows:

Cubic yds= (Length feet multiply by width feet by (depth inches divided by 12))/27. For instance, when installing mulch in an area 10ft long, 10ft wide, and 3 inches deep, the formula is as follows:

= {10*10*(3/12)}/27

=0.93 cubic yards, round off to 1 yard.

Another way to calculate the amount of mulch needed is by using a shortcut. Each cubic yard is made up of 0.0031 cubic inches. Hence total amount needed is as follows:

The area to cover in sq. ft * the mulch depth in inches * 0.0031.

Based on these calculations, below are some estimates on the amount of mulch you would require to cover areas in square feet:

Area in Sq. FtDepth Required (in Inches)
One inchThree inchesSix inchesEight inchesTwelve inches
403 ⅕ cu. feet⅖ yard⅘ yards1 yard1 ⅗ yards
20016. cub ft.2 yards4 yards5 yards8 yards
4003 yards9 yards18 ½ yards24  ⅔  yards37 yards
8006 yards18 ½ yards37 yards49 ½  yards74 yards

How Many Bags of Mulch on a Pallet?

Various factors determine how many bags of mulch on a pallet. If the mulch is to be sold in bags, you can determine the number of bags you need based on the cubic yards you need to cover.

Measure the number of yards you need and multiply the figure by 27. The result will give you the cubic feet. You then divide the cubic feet in the area with the cubic feet in the bag. Most retailers sell mulch in amounts of one or two cubic feet: (1 yd x 27) divide by 2 cu ft per bag = 13.5 bags

An estimate of some of the number of bags required for some areas are as shown below:

Cubic Yards Size of Bag
¾ cubic FeetOne Cubic Foot1 ¼ cubic feetTwo cubic Feet
2 yards72 bags54 bags44 bags28 bags
4 yards144 bags108 bags88 bags56 bags
6 yards216 bags162 bags130 bags82 bags
8 yards288 bags216 bags176 bags12 bags

(Note: cu ft means cubic feet, sq. ft means square feet)  

A bag of cedar mulch weighs about 40 pounds, whereas a bag of straw mulch is 20 pounds. Even so, the weight doubles if the mulch becomes wet. 

How Much Does a Pallet of Mulch Cost?

The price of a pallet depends on the type of mulch. The average price of mulch ranges from $15 to 65$ per yard. A typical bag of mulch costs between $2 and $6 per bag. Colored mulch is likely to be more costly than normal mulch. 

Below are the types of commonly available mulches and their cost estimates:

  • Wood Chips Mulch: A bag of wood chips mulch costs $1.78, making it $24 per cubic yard, one pallet. Wood chips mulch is good for shrubs, trees, and paths. Ensure the mulch has no bugs or lime mold that thrive in moist conditions.
  • Bark Mulch: The average price of bark mulch is $40 per bag. It’s suitable for flower beds due to its appearance and scent. 
  • Shredded Hardwood Mulch: A pallet of shredded hardwood mulch averagely goes for $40. Finely shredded hardwood mulch is effective in weed control and, therefore, suitable for flower beds. In contrast, coarsely shredded hardwood mulch is appropriate for shrubs and the ground around trees.

However, the finely shredded mulch costs slightly more than the coarsely cut hardwood. 

  • Cedar Mulch: A bag of cedar mulch costs an average of $100 for a pallet. Cedar is colorful and has a pleasant scent. It prevents pests, fungus, and bacteria. However, cedar mulch takes longer to decompose. You might need to add fertilizer.
  • Cypress: Cypress mulch is typically more expensive than the other forms. A bag goes for an estimated price of $110. 
  • Hemlock: A bag of hemlock mulch may cost an average of $45 a pallet. Hemlock is popular with most homeowners because of its rich and vivid color. The eye-catching tannins of the hemlock tree don’t fade when exposed to sunlight. 
  • Rubber Mulch: A typical bag of rubber mulch costs $7. A cubic yard of mulch may cost between $80 and $160. Rubber mulch comes in various colors. Besides, it protects your plants against fungus and insects. 


Are There any Additional Costs to Consider? 

In addition to the mulch’s buying price, you should factor in the delivery cost. The delivery cost depends on the fuel charges and distance from your location to the local store. You can, therefore, contact your local supplier to confirm their delivery rates. 

Wrapping Up

Mulch keeps your garden weed-free and the soil moist. However, a thick layer of mulch suffocates the plant. To calculate how many bags of mulch are on a pallet, you can apply the formulas explained above. 

A yard of mulch is sufficient to cover 108 sq. ft with a depth of 3 inches. The appropriate depth for mulch in flower beds is 3 inches. If using fine mulch, a 1-2 inches depth is sufficient. But, if you apply coarsely shredded mulch, the depth is 3-4 inches. 

You can use an online calculator to work out the actual amount of mulch you require for your project.

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