How Much Is Rubber Mulch at Home Depot

How Much Is Rubber Mulch at Home Depot

Finally! Time to start that home improvement project you’ve been planning for. Most importantly, you want to focus on the external appearance of your home and the play area.

The go-to mulch for your landscaping and playground needs is rubber mulch. Home Depot has fantastic discounts on everything, including rubber mulch, to match your preferences.

So, how much is rubber mulch at Home Depot?

On average, rubber mulch is around $400-$800. Home Depot has different colors and sizes of rubber mulch like red, brown, black, and green nuggets. The rubber mulch comes from the leading brand Vigoro to ensure you get the best.

Consequently, buying rubber mulch from Home Depot is your best shot. Read this article to the end to know why.

Also Check: Can You Put Mulch Over Grass?

How Much Is Rubber Mulch at Home Depot?

Home Depot sells rubber mulch at an average of $400-$800. However, this depends on the amount you choose for your landscaping or playground project.

As you know, rubber mulch is the best to ensure head-turning landscapes and playgrounds. Aside from aesthetics, rubber mulch also plays a significant role in safety for the kids while playing.

Home Depot, therefore, is the best place to shop for your rubber mulch. While it provides a wide color selection of rubber mulch in brown, black, red, and green, the price is also admirable.

For as little as $7, you could get yourself rubber mulch in any color for a project the size of 3.25sq.ft. This works best for people with tiny spaces for lawn or play areas.

Sometimes, people take advantage of the regular sales at Home Depot and buy rubber mulch in bulk. Luckily, the bulk isn’t heavy on the pocket as well.

For 25 bags, you pay around $400 depending on your color choice and cover a maximum of 154sq.ft. Fifty bags aren’t as expensive also because you need to part around $800 for 308sq.ft.

You can buy bulk and store it for future use, even though rubber mulch takes over a decade before it wears out.

At Home Depot, rubber mulch sales also feature a high-quality brand Vigoro. Vigoro doesn’t break down easily or fade as compared to its competitors. Even with high quality, Vigoro delivers excellent value for your money.

Types of Rubber Mulch at Home Depot

Brown Bagged Recycled Rubber Mulch

Price: $7.27 for a 0.8 cu. ft. bag

Now, people prefer dyed rubber mulch because of the variety of colors to match their needs and preferences in terms of décor.

Manufacturers use durable and non-toxic paint on the rubber mulch as a product of recycled tires. This way, the dyed rubber mulch lasts longer than the plain one.

So, why brown rubber mulch?

Brown rubber mulch, specifically from Vigoro, offers a natural appearance mimicking the soil’s texture and looks for both landscape and garden projects.

Additionally, the brown color is rich and fertile, and it complements the surrounding flowers, fruits, and green leaves. What’s more?

The nuggets come as mixed granules and chunks of 3/8-¾ inch, more like garden soil for this 0.8 cu. Ft bag, the brown rubber mulch covers 3.2sq.ft.

Lastly, the brown color doesn’t fade or stain despite the weather condition. So, you’ll continue to enjoy the earthly tone for a prolonged period.

Home Depot offers delivery to your doorstep within a short time, even the same day you place your order. Depending on your location, delivery can be free or charged.

Red Rubber Mulch

Price: 0.8 cu.ft- $7.27

           : 75 cu.ft(50 bags)- $784

           : 37.5cu.ft(25 bags)-$525.96

If you want your landscape project to be eye-catching, red rubber mulch is the way.

Aside from the visual appeal for your home’s exterior needs, it also eases your gardening tasks. Here’s how.

The actual red clay soil comes with many minerals, so forests keep growing. However, it takes much effort and upkeep to use red clay soil in an urban home. The gardener needs to regularly feed the soil with fertilizer and calcium for plants to thrive.

Fortunately, red rubber mulch provides a whole beauty package and less strain. The vibrant red color boosts the natural freshness of blooms, green leaves, and fruits to add to the beauty aspect.

Shopping red rubber mulch from Home Depot provides quality and various packaging. Depending on the size of your project, you get a package at a discounted price shipped to your doorstep freely.

Black Rubber Mulch

Price: 75 cu.ft (50 bags) – $784

          : 37.5 cu.ft (25 bags) – $487

Usually, the rubber mulch color plays a significant role in adding benefits.

Black rubber mulch is perfect for landscaping needs. Aside from ensuring a neat-looking compound, it also provides complete insulation and protects the desirable plants from pests and weeds.

The black tone oozes a no-nonsense appeal that shows you made the right choice of keeping rubber off the landfills. What’s more?

The natural black soil, also called Chernozem, features top-grade ammonia, hummus, and phosphorus. As a native to Eastern Europe, it’s best to use because of its rich fertility and ability to produce excellent agricultural yield.

But, acquiring Chernozem in other parts is close to impossible. Nonetheless, if you wish to achieve that look in your landscaping, you should look at the black rubber mulch way.

Luckily, Vigoro from Home Depot provides high-quality rubber mulch nuggets that feel and look like Chernozem. This way, it gives beauty fertility impression and protects your plants. Your rubber mulch maintains color guaranteed to a maximum of 12 years.

Additionally, you can get an ideal amount from Home Depot delivered to you when you place the order. Plus, if you want to pick up from the store, Home Depot offers free delivery to your nearest store.

Ensure you have the correct measurements of your project to know how much you need.

Green Rubber Mulch

Price: 75 cu.ft (50 bags) – $745

          : 37.5 cu.ft (25 bags) – $487

According to color psychology, Green promotes peace and serenity in any setting. You’ll find Green commonly used in hospitals and nursing homes. Thus, having it included in your home isn’t a bad idea, especially in the garden or lawn.

Even without adequate garden space, green rubber mulch is your friend. It provides a sustainable solution that comprises practical and aesthetic benefits.

So, if your home doesn’t have even the slightest space for a lawn for recreation or relaxation, worry not. Applying even a patch of green rubber mulch surrounded by potted plants would be magical.

As per ophthalmologists, people with strained or tired eye problems should look into a green setting to rest. Better still, having Green rubber mulch on an outdoor area offers tranquillity.

Vigoro green rubber mulch also does the same for children in the play area and guardians watching after them.

Furthermore, unlike natural grass, green rubber mulch doesn’t attract pests and insects. Besides, it takes fewer maintenance efforts than a natural lawn like weeding, mowing, or leaf-blowing. All you need is little raking once in a while to ensure it stays clean and safe for everyone to use.

The refreshing and soothing shade of green rubber mulch lasts even if the leaves and grass dry up. The 12-year guarantee ensures no fading even under extreme sun, snow, or rain. So, everyone, including kids and pets, can enjoy the soft, springy, and fresh green rubber mulch throughout.

Why Shop Rubber Mulch At Home Depot?

Consumers continue to choose Home Depot as their favorite home improvement store. Because of this, it makes increased sales growth maintaining a top position compared to other stores.

  • According to many homeowners and gardeners, Home Depot is the best place to shop for rubber mulch because of the following.
  • The locations for pickup or physical shopping are convenient. Home Depot has stores that consumers feel less hassle driving to for pickup or shopping.
  • Home Depot has assorted products that meet the needs and preferences of consumers. For instance, rubber mulch comes in different colors to offer consumers versatility in making an excellent choice.
  • The prices at Home Depot are to die for! You wouldn’t find a store that sells quality at an affordable price. Still, you can buy many bags of rubber mulch at discounted prices to ensure you carry enough even for storage. In short, there’s value for money.
  • It provides better quality of products. Vigoro is a top brand selling rubber mulch, and Home Depot ensures its consumers buy only the best available.
  • The delivery and shopping hours are convenient. If you wish to have your rubber mulch delivered immediately, there’s an option of requesting a prompt delivery-of course at an extra cost. Also, if you want to pick the mulch by yourself, they deliver it to the nearest store for pickup at your best time. You can still have them delivered to your doorstep for much convenience if you have no means of pick up.


How much is rubber mulch at Home Depot?

Being a loyal customer at Home Depot, you should also get your rubber mulch for landscaping and playground improvement. Apart from being a trusted store for many years, the discounts and actual prices are more favorable than most competitors.

Knowing the rubber mulch price is enough to shop at Home Depot for any rubber mulch. High quality is also a guarantee because you’ll be shopping for Vigoro, the leading rubber mulch brand.

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